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-Your Path-

Kari Finley

" We all must learn to follow a path that isn't set in someone else's desire" -Britt Johnson.

Doing this has been on of my greatest life’s lessons.

Learning to walk my path, and move pass my own limiting beliefs has been the shift I believe I’ve been moving towards for years! It's something that I still have to wake up and practice daily. However, in the process of doing that, I am able to move closer and closer to living a more joyful life where I am fulfilling my purpose.

This was something that I learned how to do by following the tools that I learn and teach in my heart center life coaching not all of my coaching programs work around the heart, but most of them do. Part of that is because our hearts have the ability and the power to show us what we were capable of. Our hearts also that inner knowing of who we really are, and what it looks like to be that person and to walk our path. As we set out to walk her own path, we will absolutely shift relationships, jobs, connections with different people. Because the path that we were walking isn't always the path that other people are going to be walking. It's about choosing a path. Your desires and your purpose.

Part of this journey has also come from a deep desire to connect with my own heart. As I've connected with my own heart, and released the conditions that I had carried for so long. I have been able to figure out what it is that I truly desire for my life, and what it is that I want my life to look like. To this day, I am still figuring it out and allowing that to shift daily based on the person I have grown to be today.

When we set down all that doesn’t serve us, and set down what we “thought” we were. Then take a min and start from the heart, we are opened up to the world we were destined to live.

Have compassion, have a grace, have gratitude. Most of all SMILE.

Much Love, Kari


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